
We took over Flash bar stores in 2019 after 11 years running the Yondermann Cafe at Wardlow Mires, so we have a lot of experience in providing excellent food in a magical location; the highest village in England enjoying commanding views over the hills of Staffordshire and Derbyshire.

Hope to see you soon...

Julie and Alasdair. 

The Food

The Place

We're here Rain or Shine.

What Do We Offer?

  • Good food, including homemade cakes and pies. New Menus

  • Freshly brewed tea and coffee.

  • Locally sourced produce including eggs, honey and chutney

  • Newspapers and magazines

  • A new wood burning stove to warm the building

  • Free Wi-Fi

  • Groceries, and some fruit and veg.

  • Walkers, Cyclists, and Bikers welcome.

  • The cafe will continue to be dog-friendly.

  • Off-Sales of local beers.

  • Opening Hours 9am - 3pm seven days a week.

Contact: mail@flashbarstores.co.uk

Tel: 01298 27804